Hello stampers and happy Saturday to you! I was over the moon happy to receive Gertie Boven’s happy mail yesterday. There had been a bit of a dry spell for happy mail, so this was a welcome surprise. What a beautiful card it is too! Thanks so much Gertie.


Gertie Boven’s Card


Gertie used Tropical Oasis to make her bright and cheerful card. She is also from Dutch decent, so she is well aware that Dutch winters can be dreary and that this card would be a ray of sunshine. I love all the textures that Gertie incorporated into her card. She used the basket weave embossing folder in the background, some gorgeous burlap and a big gold double bow. The flowers are nestled among some beautiuflly detailed cut and embossed mossy meadow leaves. Let’s take a look.


Tropical Oasis Card


Of course I have to guess at how Gertie coloured her hibiscus flowers. I didn’t take this bundle with me so I can’t take a close look at the stamp set either. You know you have made a great card when I can wait to start playing with the set! It could be watercolour with aquapainters, it could be watercolour pencils or even Blends. I do know that she used Wink of Stella on the flowers. Here is a close up shot of all  the lovely details.


Tropical Oasis closeup


Emo, Ontario


That is the town that Gertie comes from, although she is originally from Chatham, Ontario. I first met Gertie when she was in town visiting her parents. She had seen some information about my classes on Facebook and she is a cousin of one of my team members, Linda Brouwer. Small world! Emo is even smaller!! This is what Wikipedia said “It is a human settlement along the Rainy River in northwestern Ontario.” Really? A human settlement? As opposed to aliens? I found this so peculiar. Maybe it is because the wildlife population is so high there.


not exactlly a tropical oasis


With 1200 people it isn’t such a tiny community. It looks like it is a vibrant, scenic community with lots of hunting, fishing and even race car driving. You can read all about it here. I really do love this part of the Happy Mail in Holland Contest. Now I know what the “MOM’s Way” is: the Manitoba, Ontario, Minnesota scenic route. Thanks again for your beautiful card Gertie!!


Embossing Folders


I had hoped to show you some other cards that I had made with the basket weave embossing folders, but my search turned up empty. What to do? Well, I was inspired by the natural beauty of the Emo woodland, so the woodland embossing folder would be a good one to share as well. If you check out this blog post you will see how to stamp on the woodland embossing folder for an amazing technique! Embossing folders really are amazing tools.


More History


On Monday I will share another great vintage family picture and the very fascinating story that goes along with it. It really is so amazing to spend a chunk of time in the land of my forebears and learning all this great history. Thanks so much for joining me today, and stay tuned. I hope you still remember to shop with me and that you haven’t forgotten about the great opportunity with the starter kit. You might forget that I am actually in this for a business and not just as a storyteller!! Have a super day.



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