Hello stampers and happy Friday to you. Our linen paper is amazing!! I finally had a chance to try it out and while I was playing, I made an amazing discovery. Would you like to know what it was? Read on my friend!!
Linen Paper is Amazing
I did a quick google search for Stampin’Up! linen paper and I didn’t find a lot of information. By now you may know that I am not a patient person, so I thought I would just learn by doing and dive right in. In art galleries I have seen reproduction prints available and the high quality ones are often on linen paper. That gave me the idea to stamp on the paper and use watercolour pencils to colour my images. I was a little afraid of using Blends or much water as I thought it would bleed. When I was finished colouring and ready to put my card together I noticed that the back of the paper was quite smooth, a lot like sticker backing.
What did I have to lose? I picked at a bit with my nails and voilà! The backing came off and it was a sticker backing!! There was a drawback however. When the solid sticker backing comes off the remaining linen paper is quite thin and it is almost impossible to get it on your card with perfectly square edges. My solution? To use Tear & Tape adhesive and our gorgeous gold Gilded Leafing to give it an even more artistic flair. I am actually quite smitten with the results and would love to hear your thoughts too.
My Linen Paper Card
If you ask me, I think that this card has an antique feel to it. It reminds me of old needlepoint or artwork that you see in a museum. Not from the masters of course, but items that were handmade at home by people who dabbled in art but had no formal training. This was my first attempt and I am looking forward to see what other possibilities there are with this linen paper. I had embossed it with the Timeworn Type embossing folder, but when you remove the backing, you notice that most of the embossing stays on the backing and the linen paper has very little imprint left.
With this closeup picture you can really see that this “paper” is actually fine fabric which reminds me of vintage embroidery. Truly gifted artisans used linen for their embroidery, not Aida cloth. Mmmmm, ask me know I know that!
A Video With Some Great Tips For Linen Paper
A Funny Story
Do you have time for a funny story? I would like to know if I am the only nut out there, or if you would have made the same decision.
Last night I decided it was high time to mow the lawn. When I went out to start the lawnmower, it made a loud, protesting noise and then a big poof of smelly smoke came out from the front of it. I immediately turned it off in a bit of a panic, regretting that I had not thoroughly cleaned it after it’s last use. Without taking the time to put on gloves, I reached into all the orifices of the lawn mower and removed as much old grass as possible. One more tug on the starter. Nothing.
I decided it was time for a thorough investigation and tipped the lawnmower on its side, wondering all the while if this would literally flood the engine as I had just filled it with gas. Can you tell that I have no clue how engines really work? I did know that I had to get all the stuck bits out in case it could start a fire or who knows what. With the lawnmower back in upright position I gave one more mighty gut on the starter. Nothing. Hmmmm. Back inside. Time for supper perhaps? Or finish my cards for the September virtual coffee and a card?
What happened?
Neither of those things happened. Instead I called my mother for our daily call and then I decided to give it one last try. It started!! However there was an alarming poof of smelly grey smoke from under the front of the lawn mower. I decided to take my chances and headed bravely for the front lawn decided that if it blew up or caught fire I would just leave it in the middle of the driveway where it could do minimal damage. That would mean no more lawn mowing for me. I happen to know a young man who does it for the price of a card kit a week. No, he doesn’t want the card kit. He wants cash which means I have to sell a card kit to pay him!
Thankfully after two rounds of the lawn the lawn mower quit belching smoke and fumes and behaved nicely. Your resident squirrel survived the adventure to create more cards and this blog post. What would you have done??
A Card From Ana
On Wednesday I got my first handmade card from Ana, my three year old granddaughter. She made it all by herself and you will notice that she loves ribbon just like her oma. When they were here on Monday she had been playing quietly in my basement for a surprisingly long time. Today I found out why. She had discovered my washi tape and decided to decorate a box of stamps that I am saving for my sale next year. I had to smile.
Thank You!!
Thanks for joining me again today, I always love to see who drops by. Comments are always appreciated and if you want to purchase any of the supplies I used today, just click on the links below and you will be right in my online store. Remember, with a $60 purchase you get to choose a free saleabration item AND you get a free pdf tutorial from me. While supplies last you can also get free items from my BOGO sale here.
Be sure to check out my new online store for my tutorials! Now your tutorial download will be sent to you automatically within minutes. You can also go back to your account in case you need to download your pdf again. So helpful!! I can even put my tutorials on sale there and it also happens automatically when you check out. My prices are in American dollars since most of my tutorial customers are American. If you are Canadian, message me before you purchase and I will give you a coupon code that you can apply for a discount!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy stamping my friends and stay safe.
Product List
That’s gorgeous!! How did I miss the linen paper?!! It’s going on my next order thanks to you!
It’s so easy to miss. It’s just a small white square in the catalog with no catchy description at all. Thanks for commenting my friend!!
I love your stories!
Thanks so much Donna! As I was mowing the lawn, I thought, I have to share this crazy part of my life.
Jackie, I have to tell you how much I enjoy all your posts and videos. I look to you for inspiration and have never been disappointed. What I will not do is an accounting of what I have spent from watching your videos! Honestly, Stampin Up owes you a Finders Fee! It’s a joy to be welcomed virtually into your studio and treated like a friend. You are loved.
Oh Raelene! Your comment means so much to me, thank you, thank you!!