Hello stampers and happy Monday to you! Today I have the most adorable gingerbread & peppermint house to show you. My fellow Dutch team member Mardette Krosse made this cute creation and she graciously allowed me to borrow it so I could recreate it. One of the things I love so very much about being a part of the Stampin’Up! family is the creativity and generosity of my fellow demonstrators.


Gingerbread & Peppermint House


Good things come in small packages and this house is one example of that. Mardette is another! She is such a wonderful person who loves to spoil the elderly people that she works with. It is not unusual for her to make gift packages for them complete with intricate handmade packaging. I love her heart! People like her restore my faith in the human race.




Gingerbread & Peppermint House


A Mystery


There is one mystery about this cute little house that I have not yet solved. I am not sure what Mardette used to make the Nordic looking decorations along the edges of the house front. I am going to make an alternative which you can see in the graphic below that also shows you the measurements and components.


Gingerbread House instructions


Edited: we found out what the mystery component is! It is the So Many Snowflakes Dies! I can’t wait to make this at home and I will be doing a video on it in November as well.

So Many Snowflakes Dies


À La Carte Class


Did you know that I am offering a really lovely class featuring the Gingerbread & Peppermint Suite? There are three different tiers of pricing so you will be sure to find the one that suits you best. I really should write a tutorial for this class don’t you think? You can read all about this class here. Please don’t procrastinate too long! You have until October 1 to sign up so I can get all the supplies ordered and the kits sent to you.



Gingerbread & Peppermint class


Bonus Paper


I forgot to mention that you get some bonus paper with your class so you can finish off the inside of your cards as beautifully as the outside! Some of you will be joining me for an in person class on Saturday October 30 at 10am and I am hoping that people all over with join me virtually on Thursday October 28 at 7pm EST.


Gingerbread & Peppermint Paper


Share What You Love!


This class and this box, in fact this entire suite is just perfect for sharing with those that you love of all ages. I can just picture all the laughter and joy around kitchen tables all over the country as these elements are used to make adorable cards and houses and boxes and surprises for loved ones. Be sure to send me a photo if you end up doing just this!

I am going to keep encouraging you all to share this wonderful hobby. People need to tap into their innate creativity. Creating things really makes for a joyful soul. Giving away your creations results in even deeper joy. Do you see the beautiful flow that is being created here?


You Belong and I Have a Place Waiting For You!


There is a wonderful place waiting just for you on my team. Join with others who love creating with paper and ink and be inspired and warmly welcomed. If you love card making or want to get started, the starter kit is just fantastic and it will score you your very own discount every time you place an order for yourself or for your friends. I would love to help YOU get started too.


Have a super day and thanks so much for joining me. It’s time for a cup of coffee and a dessert. I have saved one pavlova from the weekend! Whooohooo. #itsallaboutthetreats

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