Hello stampers. Just a short post today and sorry for my absence. Not only was it a long weekend but I got hit by a very bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome or something very similar. Typing on a keyboard was brutal!! So you might find more videos and less words for the next little while as I try to take care of myself. Today I am going to share the perfect oval! I am sure you have seen the cute frames that say “Home”. The stitched shape oval dressed up in different ways takes the place of the “O”. This is a fun project that you can easily switch up according to mood or season.


The perfect oval


I used Beach Happy for this insert. There is fussy cutting involved but when you strategically place your chair on the white oval you don’t notice that the difficult bits between the arms and legs of the chair are not cut out. For the rest of the tips and tricks watch the video!




Thanks so much for stopping by. I realize that the video is sideways but in my fog of pain I simply didn’t have the gumption to try to fix it or do it over. I think you can see what needs to be seen. I know that you are patient and kind and will understand. Have a super day!



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