Hello stampers and happy Friday to you. Today’s topic, something borrowed, something blue, would make you think that perhaps I would be talking wedding talk but that is not the case. Some time in the near future though, that will definitely be a very hot topic. More on that later. Today I am “borrowing” some cards and one of them is blue.


Something Borrowed


Today my future sisters-in-law took me out for lunch to celebrate my birthday which is next week Tuesday. It was so very lovely. I also had a hair appointment this morning and then I went to my favourite bakery to stock up on raisin buns to take home! All in all, no time for card making and writing a blog post. What to do? Well, I was trolling the internet while having a bath (I know, I know, what a life?!) I came across this fabulous card by Nancy Novak. I thought you would enjoy it too. Read all about it on her blog here.


Something Borrowed


To see another graduation card that I made a while ago, check out this blog post.


Something Blue


I just noticed that both cards are blue!! The next one is a Father’s Day card and it uses the Tailor Made tags which I think are super versatile. This is the second card that I have seen this week using these tags. Hmmmm. Temptation is calling but I have a niggling feeling that I might already have them back in Canada.


Something Blue


This card is made by Christi Redding but I cannot find her blog anywhere. Here is her Pinterest board if you want to check it out.


Wedding Inspiration


Truth be told, I have some big decisions to make. I have a wedding to plan. Originally I wanted to keep it really small. Well, sort of. I wanted to do a big church wedding so everyone could come for that part and then do a standing reception with coffee and treats for everyone, after all it is #allaboutthetreats. We would then have photos and then a small intimate dinner for only family.

Then there is the question about the dress. Should it be a traditional wedding dress or just a fancy gown? I am leaning towards a fancy gown but I could be swayed. If you have any great suggestions, feel free to comment below with a photo of course!


Here are some photos of our lunch. The girls took me to this adorable little place along the canal in DeLier which is about a fifteen minute drive from Gerard’s place.


something borrowed


I felt like “Driving Miss Daisy” in Anita’s sporty convertible.





Thanks for joining me today. If you live in Canada and want to shop for stamping supplies, you can do so by clicking on the links below in the product list. With a $60 purchase you will get TWO free tutorials. How awesome is that? I hope you have a super day!


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