Cheer Corner

Hello stampers and happy Monday to you. Cheer Corner. That is the name of a weekly video I am doing on my personal Facebook page. My goal is to reach non-stampers and to show them that you really CAN change the world one card at a time. I have done Cheer Corner off and on for a couple of years. What I used to do is post a card and then ask people to nominate who I should send it to. Now I am taking it a step further.


Cheer Corner


Never underestimate the power of a hand made, handwritten card. People are touched when they get happy mail and even more so when the card was made from scratch. It is such an easy way to make a difference in someone’s life. Here is the video that I made this morning.



Anyone Can Do It


The other purpose of my newly revised #cheercorner is to show people how easy it is to make a card. With a few key tools you are all set. You don’t have to have everything but the kitchen sink. Ink, paper, stamps and a paper trimmer will get you a long ways. True, the other stuff is nice to have but it is not essential.


Speaking of the Basics


Speaking of the basics, tomorrow is an incredible day. It is the start of a really fantastic sale. This one makes sense and it is a reason to celebrate. Stock up on your cardstock, ink pads and dies. Ok, the dies aren’t essential but at 20% it’s a great deal.


Seasonal Sale flyer for November 18, 2021


Here is the host code that you can use when you place your order. Only use the host code if your order is less than $200. If it is more than that then you qualify for host benefits. How awesome is that??



Lousy Picture, Great Cards


Here is a photo of my #cheercorner cards. I shouldn’t have put them on the buffalo plaid table runner, it is too distracting. Now it is dark so I cannot take a better picture. I just noticed that there is even a shadow in the picture, but if you want to get a better look, check out the video.


#cheercorner cards using Happiest of Birthday and Sunny Sentiments




Thanks so much for joining me. This is going to be an epic week. I am going wedding dress shopping with my sister on Wednesday and on Friday Pap will turn 95 Lord willing! Wow. So much to celebrate.  I hope you have a super day.


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The Pampered Stamper in Two Countries

Hello stampers and happy Monday to you. Today I am going to talk to you about The Pampered Stamper in two countries. What does this mean for you? How am I going to make this work? So many questions right? Let’s dig in and find out what is going to happen.


The Pampered Stamper in Two Countries


First and foremost, I will maintain and grow my Pampered Stamper business in Canada. This is where I started and have grown and built my business for fifteen years. My team and my customers mean the world to me and I don’t ever want to let you down.



You may have heard that I finally going to marry Gerard!! The date will be sometime in September 2022. That means that I will sort of move to Holland until 2026. The plan is that I will be three months in Holland, then one month back in Canada, etc. In the one month that I am home I hope to do in person classes and of course an in person team gathering.

COVID19 has had one blessing. It has forced me to take my business online completely. I had known for a while that this was the direction that I needed to move in, but I was unwilling to part with any of my in person classes. This meant double the work load! Of course this is unhealthy and also unsustainable. Being online now for a year has become the new normal and there is a lot of it that I truly enjoy. I am still trying to work out the best way to provide classes for you that are fun and affordable, and this is always a work in progress.


Why Become a Dutch Demonstrator?


The main reason is the same reason why I joined Stampin’Up! in the first place. I seem to need everything!! When I pack my suitcase to go I take one bundle for each week that I am gone but it is never enough. I always feel that I am stifled in my creativity. Since there was such a great deal on the starter kit I decided to go for it and fill in the gaps with what I truly needed. My starter kit was a practical investment but it still wasn’t fun! So I placed another order full of things that I loved.

The other reason is that I am starting to build my own network of family and friends here and I want to share what I love with them. That will mean workshops and classes and it just fantastic to be able to place these orders myself. Now I have to take the plunge and start creating with European sized cardstock which is narrower and longer than ours in North America.

If you want to hear my story, you can watch this video here.


How is this Possible?


All I needed to become a Dutch demo was a mailing and shipping address and a Dutch bank account. No social insurance or identity number was needed like in Canada. You don’t know if you don’t try!


Something to Share


This past weekend I celebrated my birthday a few days early and I was spoiled! The best present was being able to celebrate outdoors with a group of people. It felt like the old normal and it was wonderful. My upline and friend Caroline van der Straaten made me a great gift holder. I took a bunch of pictures because she always does such beautiful work. I didn’t watermark them at all because quite truthfully I am battling a rather nasty feminine issue right now which has made me quite grumpy and unproductive. This has made me feel a little ashamed because isn’t it easy to be happy when everything is going well? Not so easy when you are feeling crappy.  Another lesson in gratitude and patience which I would rather not have to learn.




This cute wooden crate was filled with locally grown vegetables to make a delicious ratatouille. Of course I immediately saw the pretty peach themed gift inside!!












Doesn’t this just blow your mind? I just love the coordination of all the different patterned paper and then the cute little details!! Caroline just does such exquisite work. Her little pockets, her bows, the little addition to the tags, it just goes on and on. She should just create and I will crow about it and show it all off. Sound good?? Even the back of this cute little package has been decorated. She doesn’t miss a thing. You can follow her on Instagram here.


Any Questions or Suggestions?


I would love to hear your questions or suggestions. What would YOU like me to offer in an online class? What do you see other demos doing that you would love to see ME do? If you have any other questions about how I plan to run The Pampered Stamper in two countries or if you would love to join my growing and very fun team, please contact me.

If you want to see another project made with You’re a Peach, check out this blog post. Are you on Instagram? Then you can follow me here. I hope you have a super day!!

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Colour Washing With Aqua Painters

Hello stampers and happy Thursday to you. Today I want to share with you a very simple colouring technique, colour washing with aqua painters. I used this technique yesterday on one of my Tropical Oasis cards and I will share with you a few valuable tips and tricks to enhance this technique.


Tips and Tricks for Colour Washing with Aqua Painters


Totally by accident I found a very important tip for colour washing with aqua painters, but I will share a few more here with you as well.

  1. Use thick whisper white cardstock instead of regular cardstock. The thickness of the cardstock will allow deeper grooves from the embossing with the dies and this allows for lovely variation of colour.
  2. Use an acrylic block pressed into your ink pad of choice as your “ink pad” for picking up the colour for your aqua painter.
  3. Hold the aqua painter on a bit of an angle as you brush the colour on to get better and more consistent colour coverage.
  4. Play with different colours or even use more than one colour on your die cut cardstock. You might be surprised that the colour you first chose is not the best one. That is what happened to me with my pineapple topper. Originally I used granny apple green because I loved the pop of fresh colour. Turns out that garden green looked a LOT better.
  5. If you are colour washing a background then your best choice is either shimmery white cardstock or Fluid 100 Watercolour paper.


Compare the Difference


Last night during my Facebook Live I didn’t have the pineapple topper that I needed on hand, so I had to improvise. Caroline had accidentally cut a white topper in the morning at coffee ad a card so I used that and did a colour wash with it using garden green. It looked fabulous, so I thought I would share it with you here.


Colour Washing with Aqua Painters



Tropical Oasis pineapple


Do you see how the granny apple green topper now seems to lack depth and reality when you compare it to the garden green colour washed one? Great things happen when you are forced to improvise and experiment. This is also a great trick to remember when you are all out of a certain colour of cardstock.


Palm Trees and Tropical Prints


These last two cards really don’t have anything to do with colour washing but I wanted to share them with you anyways. Again, it is interesting to see the change in the card that happens simply by switching up the patterned paper. It is the same sheet of paper, just turned over!


Tropical Oasis paper and palm trees



Tropical Oasis palm trees


You would choose which paper to use based on your recipient. Does he or she wear subdued, classic Hawaiian shirts or vibrant and boisterous ones?


Clean Vintage Card


There were lot of improvising opportunities last night! I was missing a pineapple topper in garden green that was supposed to be the bush under my palm trees so this is the card that ended up being created! I loved the clean and simple vintage look and it also shows you how to use a partial label die with the woodie. This was also the only sentiment that I had not yet used in the Tropical Oasis stamp set.


No Colour Washing but great vintage!


Answering Your Questions


I just wanted to address something here since I know that many of my readers are fellow demonstrators. As most of you know, I love to share what I do freely, however I do have only so many hours in a day. So please don’t be offended if I cannot take the time to explain to you how I run my classes or events. About a year ago I started a private Facebook group just to address those needs. It is available to anyone in the world and it is super affordable, only $5 a month in your own currency payable through PayPal or etransfer. I do weekly live videos and also share other files and great information there. We have a wonderful tribe of people on this group and that is where you can go if you want to learn business tips and training from me. Thanks for understanding!


Looking Back


Do you ever look back on your work from the past? I love to go back to some of my old blog posts to see what I made a year or two ago. If you are like me, your cards are kind of like your babies. You really, really get attached to them and they hold special memories. Check out this blog post for some lovely cards and a heartwarming story too. Don’t let the attachment and affection you have for your cards prevent you from giving them away! Just take a picture of them and know that they will be going to a very good home and spreading love around the world.


Facebook Live


Every Tuesday I do a Facebook live video showing the three cards that we made at coffee and a card that morning. If you missed the one from yesterday you can see it here.  If you like it, please share so your friends can see it too. Thanks so much for joining me today and have a super day.


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The Importance of Belonging

Hello stampers and happy Friday to you. This day has been full of unexpected things which means another late blog post. That’s ok. Life happens and not always according to schedule. On Wednesday I promised that I would tell you all about my epic day on Thursday. What made this day so special you might ask. Let me tell you.


The Importance of Belonging


We all need to belong to something. That is just a truth as old as time. Some people have a greater need to belong to their extended family group, some put a higher importance on friends, others find their place in a church, but we all need other people to some extent. When you discover a fun hobby, it is even better when you connect with other people who share your passion. This is what happened yesterday.


Twin Teams Gathering


Every three months or so we have what I call a twin teams gathering. The reason for the name is that it was originally supposed to be a meeting of two teams, but then it grew before it even started and we never came up with another name. This gathering came about because as fellow leaders we really wanted to spend more time together and just have fun. We realized the importance of our team members meeting other people for both creative and business inspiration. It has been phenomenal! We have so much fun when we get together. There is a lot of laughter, food and creativity. So much inspiration, so much joy.

When Dale Hampshire, the head of Stampin’Up! Canada, mentioned that he would be visiting some demos, I messaged him right away with the date of our gathering. Imagine my delight when I got his email saying that he would love to join us! Not everyone was able to come because the weather acted up with snow and ice and some people were sick with colds and flu, but we had a great turnout and a fabulous day.


Twin Teams Gathering


We all gathered around my stamp room table and everyone introduced themselves and told their story. It was so affirming to hear everyone and how they fit into the puzzle of belonging. It is great to belong to a tribe, even though we all have our unique reasons for doing so. There is a place for everyone, and there is the freedom to do with your hobby whatever you need to do. We all learn from each other and support each other and that is so very powerful. My team members have become family for each other.

It was also very special to be able to meet Mike de la Torre in person. Mike is the head of all things Saleabration at head office in Utah and is in charge of marketing. Dale and Mike drove all the way from Toronto to join us at our twin teams gathering and we truly appreciated it.


Thankfully Carolyn Hansen-Henderson took some photos of the day as well, so I am editing my post to include this photo since it really captures the joy and energy of the day. Amazing things happen when we gather together to create, inspire and share!




A Place For You


I just really want you to know that there is also a place in this stamping tribe for you! If you love to stamp, you really should get your own discount and you should go to one Stampin’Up! event just to experience what it is like to be in a room full of people who are just as crazy and passionate as you are. I really believe this with all my heart. There is not one person who has regretted getting the starter kit and there are so many who have told me that it has totally changed their life for the better.

Canadian demonstrators are an amazing group of people who encourage each other and work together and celebrate each other. I have also experienced deep connection and a sense of belonging with demonstrators around the world. Without getting the starter kit, I would never have had that experience. Who would have thought?


Saleabration Freebie


Every blog post should have at least one card to inspire you. I thought I would share this beautiful card made by Tammy Bendel from Sarnia. She was at our gathering on Thursday all the way from Sarnia and I hadn’t seen Tammy since OnStage in Quebec City a year ago. She used the free saleabration set Happy Birthday to You. If you spend $60 before shipping and taxes you get a free saleabration item until March 31, 2020.


Saleabration freebie



At our twin teams gathering we always do shoebox swaps, and this card was Tammy’s swap card. There is now a set of dies to coordinate with this stamp set so that you don’t have to fussy cut the images. If you want to see more of the products that coordinate with the free saleabration items, click on this link. My favourite thing about this stamp set is the big beautiful “Happy BIrthday” sentiment.


Happy Birthday to you


This stamp set pairs beautifully with the Parisian Flourish embossing folder. The colours used for these two cards are pool party and petal pink.  Blends were used to colour the cake and the flowers.


Thank You


I am so thankful for all the people I have met on my stamping journey. The importance of belonging is not to be underestimated. Belonging to a tribe is crucial to our mental health as is a meaningful hobby. Stampin’Up! does both. I hope you share your love of stamping with your friends and family and community. You never know whose life you will transform!

If you are looking for a sense of belonging and you live in Canada, my Beyond Pampered team would love to have you. To get the best deal in the catalog, click here to get started. This will also make you a part of my team and get you your very own 20% discount. No strings attached, no pressure to do anything. If you have any questions if this is really meant for you, please message me and I would be honoured to help you out.

Thanks for stopping by and have a super day.


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On My Mind

Hello stampers! I really love the title of this blog post, On My Mind. Did you know that you are often on my mind? I am always thinking of ways that I can make my business more meaningful for you. Someone close to me said that I was doing great things but using the “dullest tool imaginable”. Obviously she doesn’t love stamping, because I would strongly disagree. I think I am using beautiful tools and that together we are changing the world one card at a time. Of course I am assuming that you are not only making cards but also sending them. If you are hoarding your cards then the world is not being changed too much by your hobby.


On My Mind is the title of this blog because it is also the name of the July Paper Pumpkin. Every month I host a Beginner Class on the fourth Wednesday of the month. I have been using Paper Pumpkin for these classes because I think that this product is perfect for beginners.  Seasoned stampers can use the products in these great kits to make “avid” cards. Did you know that Stampin’Up! has us categorized into three different types of paper crafters? Beginner, casual and avid. We all know what a beginner stamper is, someone who is baffled by all the tools and terminology, not to mention our crazy colour names. SU sounds like Laurentian on steroids, or am I the only one who remembers Laurentian pencil crayons? Maybe that is only a Canadian thing. A casual stamper comes to classes once in a while. They know what they are doing but they don’t need to have it all, they are happy with just making the cards that they need or to get out and have fun once in a while. Then you have the avid paper crafter. That’s us. We are hopelessly addicted. We want it all and we love layers, embellishments and fancy folds. That’s ok. If fact, it’s pretty awesome. Without my avid people I wouldn’t be in business!


Let’s take a look at the cards we will be making at Beginner class next week Wednesday. Have I told you that you don’t have to be a beginner to come to these classes? This class goes at a slower pace and doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of stamping. Ask your most basic questions and don’t feel like an idiot. (I hope I never make anyone feel that way, but sometimes we put that pressure on ourselves)


I love the font style of this saying "On My Mind". Paper Pumpkin has great stamps.


I do so love the font of this saying from On My Mind. What a fabulous card to send to someone in the mail for no reason at all. Do you have someone in mind when you see this card?


Slightly altered Paper Pumpkin card using a base of Pretty Peacock


This card was slightly altered. If found that the base was not as sturdy as I would like in a card so I simply cut the back off and then trimmed the front to measure 4 1/8 by 5 3/* and put it on a pretty peacock card. I really like how that makes the whole thing pop. Aren’t the lined envelopes just so pretty?


These Paper Pumpkin cards coordinate with products from our annual catalog making them even more versatile.


Have you noticed that the cards and stamps in this Paper Pumpkin coordinate with products from our annual catalog? I love that, it adds more value all around. While these cards look amazing and a little bit complex, they are perfect for beginners too. I can’t wait to see who comes to this fun class. Class fee is only $15, but if you choose to order you get that money back to use on your order. Win-win.


Thanks so much for stopping by today. In the product links below I have included the coordinating suites of products that are in the annual catalog.


Next month’s Paper Pumpkin will be fall themed and it is gift bags. For the first time ever Stampin’Up! is offering an add-on coordinating card kit if you want. I thought the gift bags would be perfect for beginning of the year teacher and staff gifts or to be used at a Thanksgiving meal as table favours with notes of gratitude tucked inside. Mine are coming with me to Holland and that is exactly what I am going to use them for. If you want to subscribe to Paper Pumpkin, here is the link for you. I do try to make it easy to get what you want!

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Epic In Colour Day

Hello stampers. I am a big fan of in colours. Usually you can see these colours popping up everywhere in both home decor and in fashion. Stampin’Up! gives us five new colours each year and they last for two years. This is a great addition to our core colours that gives us a great colour refresh and keeps us current. This year instead of offering an in colour club, I decided to one Epic In Colour Day instead. Summer can be difficult for gathering people together for regularly scheduled classes but stampers do like to get their hands on the new products and especially the new in colours. My advice? Get the in colours as soon as you can rather than trying to resist. You may as well get as much use out of these beautiful colours as you can.


I did a little Facebook live video showing you the products that people will be getting tomorrow. I also shared a little peek behind the scenes at my creative process. I had the bits and bobs of a card laying out with a few alternatives that I had rejected. If you missed it, you can see it here. Here are the cards that I decided to feature for this class. Originally I had hoped to use the Heirloom framelits and coordinating embossing folders but the UPS man was too late and my patience ran out. Of course as soon as I had my three cards done, he showed up!!


Epic In Colour Day cards featuring Pretty Peacock, Rococo Rose, Seaside Spray and Terracotta Tile


The top card features Pretty Peacock. I first though I would pop the middle panel onto a piece of whisper white cardstock embossed with either the Mosaic, Pinewood Planks or Tin Tile embossing folders but this looked too busy. The big white daisy on the bottom card was also supposed to find its home on this card, but I found it to be too busy as well. I really like the final card. Another twist? I had planned to use the other side of the designer series paper, a pretty gingham, but this pattern pleased me more. Who would have thought? The creative process definitely wasn’t straightforward this morning!!


In Color patterned paper and polka dot tulle ribbon are the focal point of this pretty peacock card.


This monochromatic card is pleasing to the eye. What was surprising to me is the mat of seaside spray to contrast with the pretty peacock. The in color faceted gems make the perfect muted accent to this card. The saying is from Daisy Lane. Check out the inside of the card.


The daisy from Daisy Lane made it into the inside of this card. The frame is from Swirly Frames.


I couldn’t manage a daisy on the outside of this card, so I stamped one in the inside instead. I really like this frame from Swirly Frames. Yes, there is a little smudge from my finger on the edge. Oh well, proof that life happens sometimes.


Woven Threads paper has all the in colors in it. I love the coordination that SU offers us.


This card has a LOT going on. At first I was going to use Seaside Spray as the card base but I didn’t want Terracotta Tile to feel left out so I chose that in colour instead. That means there are four in colours happening on this card: Terracotta Tile, Seaside Spray, Purple Posy and Rococo Rose. Since all those colours are in this piece of Woven Threads patterned paper it actually works. The script paper is from the In Colour patterned paper assortment. I made the daisy by layering two of the large daisy punches and two of the small daisy punches. The centre is a half inch circle punched from seaside spray and then layered with a terracotta tile faceted gem.


The centre card is the one that Rachel received from Kay Smith on the cruise and I featured it in a post a few days ago. I hope you enjoyed these cards. Everyone who is coming to my class tomorrow at either 1pm or 7pm will be receiving 20 sheets of patterned paper, 20 sheets of assorted cardstock. five markers, four ink pads, faceted gems and five yards of ribbon. For the first time in the history of in colours we are having an issue with one of our ink pads. Purple Posy is not cooperating! Stampin’Up! is working on the third attempt to get the right dye recipe. So far it has been either foamy or not stable. We don’t want you to have an inferior product so if this third attempt is not successful then there will not be a purple posy ink pad. We still have the marker and all the other products so it is not the end of the world, but I thought you would want to know. If you want to join in on the class, I still have room for you.


Thanks so much for stopping by and if you want to help me grow my business please take a moment and pin one of these creations so that more people will see my work. Yay!! If you order these in colour supplies online then I will send you the kits for the three cards we are going to be making.  Have a super day and see you tomorrow.


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