Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Hello stampers and happy Friday to you. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you too! I was hoping to host a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner here for my Dutch friends a week later but when I went to order a turkey I had a little sticker shock. A 12 pound turkey was going to cost me 120 euros. That’s about $160. I couldn’t do it. Instead I will share a few of my creations from the last month that have a nice fall vibe.


Apples Make Me Happy


Thanksgiving needs to have pie and one of those pies should be an apple pie. The other two should be pumpkin and pecan because we all know that you need at least three pies to choose from! I made this fun apple card a couple of weeks ago and I just love how the apples turned out.


When the kids were little we used to go apple picking at the local orchard and then we would go home and make a ton of applesauce together. Of course there would also be a few delicious apple pies made. Great memories and great scrapbook pages!


apple harvest cards


It’s hard to believe but these cards are almost exactly the same size. One is American sized and the other European A4 size, so a little longer and narrower. Which one do you like better? You can see the video tutorial here.


Matchbook Treat Holders


Looking for a super simple treat holder? This matchbook treat holder is so easy but so very cute. I used the Hello Harvest bundle to make them and the Rustic Harvest paper.



This is what it looks like in the inside:


inside matchbook treat holder


Distressed Gold Season Of Chic Card


My last fall creation has more subdued and antique looking colours. I am curious to hear what you think about this one.



If you purchase the Season Of Chic bundle then you are in for a treat! I am going to give you a 13 project tutorial bundle and each of the cards features this Season of Chic stamp set. How awesome is that?? You can see the video for this card here. I hope that you discover my YouTube channel and subscribe. It is one of the main ways that I now teach my people the art of card making!




Thanks so much for joining me today, I am thankful for YOU. I hope that you choose me as your demonstrator and if that is not possible, please support me by purchasing my awesome tutorials. You can find them on my blog as well, or just click here for some instant gratification. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. The links to my online store can be found below.


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Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Team

Hello everyone and happy Saturday! I am so very excited to announce the brand new Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Team. Our team features talent from all over the world and each tutorial will have a specific focus so that you get the most bang for your buck. To put that in a more genteel fashion, it will help you get the most value for your investment.


How to Get This Tutorial Bundle?


The next question will of course be, how can I get my hands on this bundle? Let me tell you. There are two ways. You can get for FREE with a $60 purchase and this purchase can include online orders for Stampin’Up! products or a combination of other things like Parcels in the Post, Virtual Coffee and a  Card class or other tutorials.

Let me give you an example. Our first tutorial will feature the Sweet Strawberry bundle. So if you order this bundle online AND you also get the Virtual Coffee and Card class for June which just happens to feature this same bundle then you will get this tutorial bundle for FREE.

The other way to get it is to simply pay $25 for it. All members of the Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Team are charging the same price to keep it fair. The tutorials go “live” on the first of the month and then you will be able to find it on my tutorials page here.


Introducing The Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Team


Here is a photo collage of all of us and below you will see all the names and links to their blogs.


Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Team


Jan Mansor Brown .https://www.janbcards.com
Caroline van der Straaten https://carooskaartjes.blogspot.com/
Julie Gilson: www.stampingala.com

Sneak Peek For Our Sweet Strawberry Tutorial


Here is a little teaser of what you can expect with our first tutorial. Looks pretty awesome doesn’t it? If you go to this blog post you will see the first card that I made with the Sweet Strawberry bundle.


Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Sneak Peek


Coming May 1


On May 1 I will have a PayPal button so that you can purchase this tutorial. If you choose to place an order instead that’s awesome too. I will then send you the pdf as quickly as possible. Right now I am not set up to have it sent automatically but if this becomes necessary or possible I will definitely do that. Thanks so much for joining me today and I hope you participate in this amazing new venture. Have a super day!!


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